This term, the CALYX team is already making a lot of headway. The publicity and launch for this book should be pretty smooth if our marketing research continues the way it has, and while we don’t have a full manuscript yet, at the beginning of the term we received a working list of the authors that were chosen to be included in the anthology! This was a very exciting moment because until then we were working with a lot of assumptions and no certainties. Since then, we’ve combed through the list and started drafting small author bios for all 55 of the potential authors and poets. We’ve also started to gather contacts, affiliations, and other potential avenues for publicity–a task that will certainly continue through the end of the school year.
This week we are also starting to think about how the book will be designed. We’re looking at how other feminist literature and poetry anthologies are constructed to see what elements we want to include. The genre has been around for so many decades, and many of the covers that we’re looking at certainly reflect that. On the one hand, we want to craft a more modern cover, but on the other, we’ll be balancing that by keeping some of the more traditional CALYX elements that have been so closely associated with the press over the past 40 years. There is a lot to do, and we are fortunate to have plenty of time to do it.