Hello friends! I hope that everyone enjoyed the days of sunny weather Portland gave us: all too soon rain will come again. Fortunately, we have have narrowed down where to host the next conference to two locations. We are working through some last details, but we should have a definite location for all our Write to Publish fans within the next week or so.
We also look to have at least a rough draft of what our programming will look like a week from Monday. For those that are unfamiliar with how Ooligan Press works, we have a weekly meeting with all staff members of the Press on Mondays, where we discuss current happenings in all the projects, and we all get a say in how our press takes shape. A week from Monday we’ll take our ideas about what the day of the conference will look like to our meeting to get feedback and approval, and then we should be able to release details to everyone else. If everything goes according to plan. And plans always work out the way they are intended to, right?
Website design continues to progress. Major changes probably will not take place till the beginning of summer, but in the meantime we are brainstorming features we would like to see on our webpage. Any suggestions? Feel free to email us or comment on the Ooligan Press Facebook page to give us feedback. We love receiving feedback. As everyone familiar with Write to Publish probably knows, the event functions as the primary fundraiser for Ooligan Press. Attending the conference helps fund the books we release and the costs of running a publishing house. We don’t just see the conference as a way to raise money for this unique program, though. We also see it as a way of providing information to the community about an industry that can be both confusing and frustrating to navigate. All comments we receive about what sort of guests, panels, and features people would enjoy helps us to make the event the best possible conference it can be.