
The Legend of Sensei Tsinelas by Jason Tanamor


POW! BANG! WHAM! Victor, a superhero-obsessed teen, might work for Portland’s newest vigilante. As he grapples with bullying and isolation, a social studies project becomes Victor’s path to self-discovery, acceptance, and pride in his Filipino heritage.

Between a tsinelas-wielding superhero, a major social studies project, and take-out boxes of adobo and lumpia, seventeen-year-old Filipino American Victor Dela Cruz isn’t sure how to get through high school without the help of a radioactive spider. Despite his attempts to assimilate into his mostly white Portland high school, Victor has always felt like an outsider. He likes to think high school is his superhero origin story, and all he needs now are some superpowers. 

Laurel Everywhere By Erin Moynihan


Fifteen-year-old Laurel Summers couldn’t tell you the last words she spoke to her mother and siblings if her life depended on it. But she will never forget the image of her mother’s mangled green car on the freeway, shattering the boring world Laurel had been so desperate to escape. Now she can’t stop seeing the ghosts of her family members, which haunt her with memories of how life used to be back when her biggest problem was the kiss she shared with her best friend Hanna.