

Write to Publish (W2P) 2017 is so close, but there’s still time to get your tickets—which will give you access to all of the panels, workshops, and extras we have planned for Saturday! Our vendors and sponsors have really stepped up and are offering a wide range of goods and services to everyone who stops by. The vendor fair is open to the public, so we encourage everyone to visit Smith Memorial Student Union at PSU to shop with some of Portland’s best publishing houses and services in one location!

One of the most exciting aspects of our conference is the Pitch to a Professional event in which you, as aspiring authors, get a five-minute window to “pitch” your manuscript to a publisher or agent. The publishing professional you are pitching to will provide you with feedback on your pitch content and technique, giving you an inside look at the pitch process—and concrete experience in doing so! This is an educational experience that allows aspiring authors to hone their presentation skills. It’s an action-packed seven minutes that often turns out to be the most memorable experience of the entire conference for authors. But there is a catch to this awesome opportunity—you have to purchase your admission ticket by Tuesday, January 31, because the limited sign-up list will go out on February 1, and it’s a first-come, first-served registration process. Further sign-up details and the list of professionals who will be evaluating your pitches will be introduced in an email sent to our registered attendees next week. Buy tickets now so you don’t miss out on Pitch to a Professional!

We’re really looking forward to meeting all of the aspiring authors who want to get an inside peek at the publishing process on Saturday, February 4, at Smith Memorial Student Union on the beautiful Portland State University campus!

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